Technology Positioning Statement Report

2.1.1 Shared File Systems

Description: Systems for storage and retrieval of data within flat-file data structures, including network shares, for general-purpose file management.

Category: 2 - Data Management   Subcategory: 1 - General Purpose Data Management Tools




Industry UsageSC Usage

Performance Metrics

Ease of use; one login for authentication; speed of file transfer.

Usage and Dependencies

Industry Usage: Networks provide the ability to map drives and shares across clients and servers as desired, subject to the security authentication policies supported by the network. In Microsoft environments, NT authentication and a proprietary file sharing protocol supports such drive mappings conveniently.

SC Usage: Through its daily initial login, NT authentication provides access to shared drives and resources across the LAN. Although shared file systems are convenient, they do not provide efficient indexing or document management functionality. In a large file collection, it becomes increasingly difficult for users to find a particular document. This situation is exacerbated where there are no established policies for directory naming or versioning, as is currently the case in SC. They also provide no access control.

SC Application Impacts: SC plans to replace the usage of shared file systems with a more effective system under the Electronic Information Management project in FY2002.

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