Information Technology Management Matrix

Technology Category Technology Area Policies, Procedures, Standards Design, Development, Documentation Evaluation, Testing, Purchase Monitoring, Maintenance, Measurement Skills audits, Training 
End User Applications Strategic applications                                                  
Diagnostic applications          
Operations applications          
Business processes          
Data modeling          
Enterprise Integration Architectures          
Programming Testing tools          
Coding tools          
Design tools          
Operating Systems OS admin. tools          
Network OS          
Hardware Peripherals          
Power supply          

This matrix is intended to provide a comprehensive view of all IT-related management activities on one page. The details and terminology, of course, need to be adapted to the specific needs of an organization. But the matrix solves one constant need that people have: IT is so vast that it is easy to get lost in its complexity. The matrix is based on the OSI model for the layers of a network. It extends that concept to the higher levels of information technology that exist in an enterprise.

The top row lists five broad categories of management activities that are applied to each of the technology areas. The point of the matrix is that each layer of IT must be managed in each of these ways.

This matrix may be used as a portal or entry point for managers who wish to learn about the management activities in any technology area, that is, in any cell of the matrix. Each cell can contain a hyperlink that goes to a web page which describes these activities, their managers, and other information.

The matrix may also be useful for other applications. For example, it could be used as a performance assessment map, in which quality or problems in each area could be identified with colored cells.

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