Content Management

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    Workflow criteria describe the features and functions that facilitate the creation and management of workflow.  
    Factor: Standard  
    Product Name TeamSite
V/5 Content Management Server
Authoring Server Suite
    Manufacturer Interwoven Vignette eBusiness Technologies NetObjects Inc. Allaire Corporation  
      Group Score:
144 out of 160
Total Score:
1302 out of 1660
  Group Score:
128 out of 160
Total Score:
1266 out of 1660
  Group Score:
128 out of 160
Total Score:
1188 out of 1660
  Group Score:
48 out of 160
Total Score:
861 out of 1660
  Group Score:
128 out of 160
Total Score:
805 out of 1660
    Component Status  
    Weight: 5   Weighted Score:

  Weighted Score:

  Weighted Score:

  Weighted Score:

  Weighted Score:

      The TeamSite To Do list displays the status of each task along with the task name, date, owner, and a task description.   In V/5, the status of a task can easily be obtained by checking the Production Center Task View or Project Manager Task View. Statuses include: Assigned, scheduled, working, and completed. An icon with a red exclamation mark indicates that the task is past due.   In engenda, the status of a task is easily obtained by selecting the task and clicking on the "details" tab. engenda ships with sample workflow processes; and it can be configured to support any number or combination of processes.   The site window can display some information about each page. A page can be marked as done or not done and comments can be added to describe the status of the page. Publish or Don't Publish flags can also be added. The workgroup palette and the admin interface both display who currently has components checked out.   Spectra's workflow model provides a means for recording the status of various tasks assigned to users. At any given point, managers can view the status of any given number of workflow tasks.  
    Workflow Tools  
    Weight: 5   Weighted Score:

  Weighted Score:

  Weighted Score:

  Weighted Score:

  Weighted Score:

      TeamSite has very robust workflow features. Jobs are described as a series of tasks and each task can be assigned to an individual or process. Users can be notified of tasks by email or by checking their To Do lists. WorkflowBuilder provides a very easy to use GUI that allows users to design complex workflows visually. It supports drag and drop of tasks, transitions, and task conditions. Sample workflow templates for more common jobs are included with the product.   V/5 Content Management Server provides very good workflow functionality. Workflow within V/5 includes a series of tasks to be completed before content is published, and can include manual tasks to be carried out by groups and users, as well as automated tasks, to be carried out by external scripts or programs. Users are notified of new tasks by a Task View or email. Workflow can be managed and used either through the tools built in to V/5 or through a web based Content Management Application (CMA). A web based CMA allows users to create a fully customized interface to their content entry and management environment. The V/5 CMS does not include a graphical workflow diagram tool.   engenda has very robust workflow functionality. Workflow processes can be defined for each task. Every process has states, transitions between states, and actions to be taken during the process. Processes also define actions available for web content that is associated with a task and also routed with the task. Users are notified of new tasks in their workspace or by email. Workflow reporting tools are included. engenda does not include a graphical workflow diagram tool.   None.   Users can be assigned specific tasks and deadlines. Spectra can also send emails to users notifying them of tasks that need to be accomplished.  

  ©2000 Intraware, Inc.