Table of Contents

Project Title

    1. Project Description
    2. Project Objectives
    3. Product Description
    4. Plan Objectives
    5. Outstanding Issues
    1. Facilities
    2. Hardware
    3. Software
    4. Documentation
    5. Personnel
    6. Training
    7. Logistics Coordination
    1. Prerequisites or Dependencies
    2. Release Process
    3. Data Migration
    4. Problem Resolution
    5. Recommended Implementation Approach
    6. Rollout Schedule
    7. Risks



ROLLOUT PLAN Instructions


Project Title

    1. Project Description
    2. State how this project replaces, upgrades or is new to the IMSC environment. Will this project change the existing system environment? List point of contact for each IM Team member and telephone number.

    3. Project Objectives
    4. Briefly describe the objectives of the project; e.g., does it enhance the performance of an existing system and/or is it the first of many building blocks toward major systems conversion.

    5. Product Description
    6. Provide a high level statement on how the hardware/software will work.

    7. Plan Objectives
    8. Outline delivery tasks and schedule from AIM to Production to Customer Availability. Highlight the training issues involved. Discuss needed resources to support the ongoing maintenance of the project.

    9. Outstanding Issues

    Identify any outstanding, unresolved issues that are part of the Rollout process and the responsible organization.

    1. Facilities
    2. Specify any special facility requirements needed outside of the current production environment.

    3. Hardware
    4. Hardware
    5. Document all system hardware requirements for production configuration. If there is no change from the Requirements documentation, refer to the Requirements section.

    6. Software
    7. Document all system software requirements for production configuration. Specify any changes required to the User Desktops. If there is no change from the Requirements documentation, refer to the Requirements section.

    8. Documentation
    9. List all documents available to Production such as the Rollout Plan, Test Report, Training Manual(s), Design Documents, Implementation Plan(s), Installation Instructions, and Version Description Document.

    10. Personnel
    11. Provide the names of the individuals responsible for testing, training, installation, and indicate the level of support needed by Production for maintenance and the Help Desk staff.

    12. Training
    13. Document all system training requirements. Provide the name of the lead trainer and a tentative training schedule. The training schedule should list the Organization of the student(s), name of the trainer, date of training, time, number of students, names of students, room number and location, and comments. Comments can range in description from Pilot Group Training, Concentrated Training, Class is too large and needs to be divided into two sessions, etc.

      Provide an outline of the course curriculum for each type of training and a statement on what the students will be able to accomplish following the training.

    14. Logistics Coordination

    Summarize what training arrangements have been completed and what arrangements are still under development.


    1. Prerequisites or Dependencies
    2. List the prerequisites that must occur before the system can be turned over to Production and the Team/Person responsible.

    3. Release Process
    4. Describe the release process.

    5. Data Migration
    6. Describe in terms the customer can understand what the impact of this system change will have on the current environment and the databases currently being supported.

    7. Problem Resolution
    8. Describe how defects will be tracked and the organization responsible for corrections.

    9. Recommended Implementation Approach
    10. Refer to the Project Plan for details.

    11. Rollout Schedule
    12. Provide a high level Gantt chart/time for Task Name, Start Date, Finish Date, and Duration.

    13. Risks

    Identify all potential project risks, steps (Strategy) to be taken to mitigate those risks, and a brief description of the current status.

  5. Include an appropriate SC concurrence/approval section.


Provide a glossary of all technical terminology used within the document.


Use appendices to document any specific alternative vendor information and references.