![]() Michael Hart (l) examining design drawings. |
Hopkins Memorial OrganTechnical Specification |
National Presbyterian Church |
Console of the Hopkins Organ. This is a fully movable console that is connected to the instrument through the thin digital cables on the right.
The John Jay Hopkins Memorial Organ
The National Presbyterian Church and Center
Organ Company, Opus 1456, IV/115, Dedicated 1970
GREAT DIVISION - 24 Drawstops |
16' Violone 8' Principal 8' Holz Gedeckt 8' Gemshorn 4' Octave 4' Harmonic Flute 2' Super Octave 8' Kornett IV-V 1 1/3' Mixture IV 2/3' Scharf IV 16' Trumpet 8' Trumpet 8' English Horn (SO) 4' Clarion Tremulant 8' Tuba Major (SO) 8' State Trumpet (ANT) Carillon Solo on Great Great Unison Off
SWELL DIVISION - 24 Drawstops |
16' Quintaton 8' Principal 8' Viole de Gambe 8' Viole Celeste 8' Rohr Flote 4' Octave 4' Nachthorn 2' Spitz Principal 2' Plein Jeu IV 1/2' Cymbale III 16' Bombarde 8' Trompette 8' Hautbois 8' Voix Humaine 4' Clairon 8' State Trumpet (ANT) Tremulant 16' Swell to Swell Swell Unison Off 4' Swell to Swell Solo on Swell
CHOIR DIVISION - 24 Drawstops |
16' Flauto Dolce 8' Viola Pomposa 8' Viole Celeste 8' Spindel Gedeckt 8' Flauto Dolce 8' Flute Celeste 4' Principal 4' Rohr Flote 2 2/3' Nazard 2' Block Flote 1 3/5' Tierce 1' Mixture IV 16' Fagott 8' Trompette 8' English Horn (SO) 8' Clarinet 4' Rohr Schalmei 8' State Trumpet (ANT) Tremulant 16' Choir to Choir Choir Unison Off 4' Choir to Choir Solo on Choir
POSITIV DIVISION - 24 Drawstops |
8' Principal 8' Bourdon 4' Octave 4' Koppel flote 2 2/3' Sesquialtera II 2' Octavin 8' Principal Cornet V (collective) 1 1/3' Larigot 1' Sifflote 1' Scharf IV-V 4/5' Jeu de Clochette II 16' Rankett 8' Krummhorn Tremulant 8' Tuba Major (SO) Cymbelstern + Positiv Unison Off
SOLO DIVISION - 16 Drawstops
8' Dolcan Gamba 8' Harmonic Flute 8' Dolcan Gamba Celeste 8' Tuba Major (unenclosed) 8' Tuba Minor 8' French Horn 8' Flugelhorn 8' English Horn 8' Orchestral Oboe 8' Clarinet (CH) 4' Clarion Major (unenclosed) Tremulant 16' Solo to Solo Solo Unison Off 4' Solo to Solo
8' Salicional 8' Bourdon 4' Principal 2' Flach Flote 1' Mixture V 8' Trumpet 16' State Trumpet 8' State Trumpet 4' State Trumpet Antiphonal Unison Off 4' Antiphonal to Antiphonal |
ANTIPHONAL PEDAL - 6 Drawstops |
16' Principal 16' Bourdon 8' Octave 8' Bourdon 16' Sub Trumpet
COUPLERS 34 Tablets
8' Great to Pedal +
8' Swell to Pedal +
8' Choir to Pedal +
8' Positiv to Pedal +
8' Solo to Pedal +
8' Antiphonal to Pedal +
4' Swell to Pedal
4' Choir to Pedal
4' Positiv to Pedal
4' Solo to Pedal
16' Swell to Great
8' Swell to Great +
4' Swell to Great
16' Choir to Great
8' Choir to Great +
4' Choir to Great
8' Positiv to Great +
8' Antiphonal to Great +
4' Antiphonal to Great
16' Swell to Choir/Positiv
8' Swell to Choir/Positiv
4' Swell to Choir/Positiv
8' Antiphonal to Choir/Positiv +
4' Antiphonal to Choir/Positiv
8' Choir to Swell
4' Choir to Swell
8' Positiv to Swell
8' Antiphonal to Swell
4' Antiphonal to Swell
8' Choir to Solo/Antiphonal
4' Choir to Solo/Antiphonal
8' Positiv to Solo/Antiphonal
Great/Positiv Transfer
All Swells to Swell +
Ventil Thumb Pistons
16' Manual Stops Off +*
16' & 4' Couplers Off +*
32's Off +*
Antiphonal Mute +*
Main Pedal Mute +*
Mixtures Off +*
Reeds Off +*
Tremulants Off +*
Celestes Off +*
Ventil Cancel
* Indicator Light
+ Reverser Thumb and/or Toe Piston
64 Channel Capture System
Crescendo Standard, A, B & C
Blind Check
Memory Chanel Clear
16 General Thumb Pistons
8 Great Thumb Pistons
8 Swell Thumb Pistons
8 Choir Thumb Pistons
8 Positiv Thumb Pistons
8 Solo Thumb Pistons
8 Antiphonal Thumb Pistons
8 Pedal Toe Pistons
1-6, 11-16 General Toe Pistons
Capture Thumb Piston
Full Organ Thumb & Toe Piston
General Chancel Thumb Piston
Tonal Pedals
Swell Expression
Choir Expression
Solo Expression
Crescendo (60 stage)
Miscellaneous Mechanicals
Articulated touch ivory manual keyboards with Gabon ebony accidentals
Movable Console
Console Hydraulic Lift
Narthex Signal Light
Console Telephone Light