What are the Jewels of God?

The Jewels of God are those who trust the living God. The jewels, instead of being mounted in a crown as precious stones, will be listed in a very special book. These are peculiar treasures to God. They are special.

The Lord chooses you for Himself as His own special treasure. "Of all the people on earth, the Lord has chosen you." (Psalm 135:6). "The Lord has chosen you to be His own special treasure." (Deut. 7:6). "If you obey Me and keep my covenant, you will be my own special treasure from among all the nations of the earth, for all the earth belongs to Me" (Exodus 9:5).

God's children are jewels. As His children, do we feel so precious to Him? Are we living thus?

The jewels of the Lord are not rubies and diamonds, but rather are "they that fear the Lord", and who "have true fellowship one to another." Instead of being mouted in a crown or other adornment, as precious stoned would be, these personal jewels of God will be listed in a very special book:

"Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in His presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored His name. 'They will be mine', says the Lord Almighty, 'in the day when I make up my treasured possession.'" Malachi 3:16-17 NIV.

What a blessing it would be if, when we got to heaven, we should find our names written in that special book of God's memories! God does take note of our times of spiritual fellowship with other believers -- especially, no doubt, when they occur during times of stress and worldly opposition.

In order to strengthen your faith to be His jewels, an opportunity is created for everyone to avail. This encourages everyone to grow daily through:

Christ expects His disciples to be learning and doing these kinds of things.

Jacob Prabhu has set an example of the kind of activities that a disciple of Christ does. He is still learning, but as he learns he leads others in serving the Lord.  Dr. Prabhu is not supported by any missionary agency. Since the year 2001, he has had no monthly income for ministry.

Depending upon God and His purpose, Prabhu's ministry strives to give spiritual growth through the activities mentioned above. Hundreds of sermons from pulpits, 22 books on the Christian life, over 1800 individuals trained as Christ's disciples -- all these things, we believe, are the need of the hour.

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