Ministry in the USA

Dr. Prabhu has made several trips around the US by bus, visiting numerous churches to preach and offer his discipleship course. You can listen to a sample of his sermons here, using the free Windows Media Player:

Sermon on Acts 17 given at Ravenswood Baptist Church, Chicago, Jan. 31, 2011 (am)

Sermon continuation on Acts 17 given at Ravenswood Baptist Church, Chicago, Jan. 31, 2011 (pm)

Here are photos of some of the Americans and Indians attending the Discipleship Course in the USA. If you would like to receive more information about the course, please contact Dr. Prabhu.

students in Chicago
Students in Christ's Discipleship Course, Chicago, USA 2003

Family Conference in Dallas 
Christian Family Conference, Dallas, Texas USA, June 2003

Studying Christ's Discipleship Course

Some of the participants in the Dallas Conference, 2004

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