1. Christ's Discipleship for Churches
Dr. Prabhu often visits churches to support
the pastor by providing supplementary courses or seminars. He has designed a series of
eight lessons. After each lesson, for 30 minutes, personal time is allowed
for all participants to answer questions to test their knowledge. In these
eight lessons, we have found that students learn how to grow in their spiritual
lives. They are also encouraged to memorize two verses from the Bible for
each lesson. For the entire seminar they will memorize 16 verses, which
become food for their souls. So far 86 churches have enjoyed the seminar,
including nearly 1800 participants.
2. Christian Leadership in Bible Colleges
The early church of the Book of
Acts is our example of spiritual leadership and vitality. In order to help
churches grow in this direction, a Seminar on Christian Leadership has been
introduced in Bible colleges. All aspects of discipleship and leadership
are taught, and this seminar is in demand all over India.
Additional seminars have been designed for other topics. Please contact us for details.
Dr. Prabhu teaches groups all over the USA. If you would like to host a seminar for your church or group, please write to the address or e-mail link shown below.
© Dr. Jacob Prabhu |