Jacob Prabhu

Who is Jacob Prabhu?

Jacob Prabhu's family was poor, and as a young man he had to work hard to help his parents and pursue his studies. He became a successful businessman in Hyderabad, India. A Section Head in one of India's largest insurance corporations, he was marked for promotion by the company. With his family, he enjoyed a comfortable executive lifestyle. He was also a talented musician who played keyboard instruments and sings in six different languages.

He began to attend church meetings where his singing talents were welcomed. After hearing the Gospel preached by Dr. Akbar Haqq, Jacob received the message with joy and experience the presence of the Lord -- he became a born-again Christian! All things around him changed, and members of his family could see this.

His singing in evangelistic meetings inspired him to become an evangelist. His burden was to reach the unreached -- many areas of rural India, as well as areas of larg cities, had no Christian witness. He met Roy Robertson, leader of a mission organization, who challenged and trained him. In order to be relieved from administrative responsibilities, he wanted to take up full-time preaching of God's Word, so after a 14-year career he decided to leave the insurance company. He identified others to take his place in the organization.

Jacob Prabhu was ordained in his Baptist Church in Secunderabad, India in 1983. He has earned the degree of Bachelor of Divinity from Somerset University in England, and a degree of Doctorate of Divinity from Transworld Ministries, USA. He served in the mission organization Training Evangelistic Leadership for 25 years, and under the auspices of East-West InterKnit until recently. He now resides in Hyderabad, India, where he is continuing his ministry and writing books.

Location of Secunderabad & Hyderabad in India

Dr. Prabhu is an "itinerant evangelist", traveling across India:
-- Giving expository sermons;
-- Singing inspirational songs;
-- Teaching discipleship seminars with assignments;
-- Leading Bible studies in the Book of Romans;
-- Writing books on various topics for Christian growth;
-- Translating Christian books from English to Telugu;
-- Coordinating evangelistic meetings for other speakers.

Dr. Prabhu has written 46 books in Telugu and five in English. All topics are on growth in the Christian life. He has taught the Christ's Discipleship Course to over 1800 individuals in 86 churches. He has trained 28 evangelists in year-long programs. His ministry schedule has taken him to the countries of Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Hong Kong, China, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Netherlands, and the USA.

His family has five grown children, three granddaughters and one grandson.

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