Knowledge of God

Faith and Reason

A: Faith: Without faith it is impossible to know God, because this knowledge is revealed, not observed or deduced by reason alone. Christian faith requires a personal choice to believe, but it does not require any scholarly education.

B: Reason: God has given us minds to use in reasoning and discourse. Without reason, no knowledge is possible because all discourse entails reason.  Furthermore, knowledge of God is possible, because God has effectively revealed his power and divine nature to all mankind (Romans 1:19-20).


-B: Fideism: Knowledge of God is only achieved by blind faith; there is no way to achieve it by rational arguments. Such knowledge only comes to us mystically and irrationally.

-A: Rationalism: We can find out truths about God by human reason and scientific evidence alone, apart from revelation. Natural theology (Locke, deism).

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