Dear reader: If you have not already done so, please read the Introduction before going further; it will help you greatly in understanding what this is all about.


This index contains links to many different categories of ideas that have been found to fit into a dilogical form.

Dilogic Diagrams (2-D):

Example: Form and Freedom (daytime and nighttime)

Physics: Form and Matter

Physics: Being and Becoming

Physics: Quantum Interpretation

Epistemology: Objectivity and Subjectivity

Sovereignty of God: Transcendence and Immanence

Two Revelations: Nature and Scripture

Ethics: Holiness and Love

Ethics: Justice and Mercy

Christian Life: Justification and Sanctification

Christian Life: IN but not OF the World

Action: Optimism and Pessimism

Faith and Reason

Earthly Life: Precious and Temporal

Trilogic diagrams (3-D):

Trinity: Unity, Diversity and Equality

Christology: the Two Natures of Christ

Church Structure: Unity, Diversity and Equality

Marriage: Unity, Diversity and Equality

Nature: Sovereignty, Creation and Providence

Human Nature: Sovereignty, Creation and Providence

Origin of Evil: Sovereignty, Creation and Providence

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